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NAFTA: Fact Sheets: Water, Energy, ISDS

PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:20 am
by Oscar
FACT SHEETS: NAFTA must protect people and the planet, not corporate interests
[ CANADA - Not for Sale ]

1) NAFTA puts our water at risk
[ ... -water.pdf ]

CANADA MUST: ► Remove all references from NAFTA to water as a good, service or investment. Canada is vulnerable to bulk water exports and increased privatization under the deal. President Trump could see Canadian water as a way to hydrate drought-ridden U.S. states. [ ]

2) NAFTA puts the U.S. in control of our energy production
[ ... energy.pdf ]

CANADA MUST: ► Eliminate NAFTA’s energy proportionality rule. This rule requires Canada to export a locked-in percentage of our energy production to the U.S. This forces continued production in the tar sands, which will stop Canada from meeting its climate commitments. [ ]

3) NAFTA’s Chapter 11 threatens the environment and good public policy
[ ... a-isds.pdf ]

CANADA MUST: ► Eliminate Chapter 11, the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) process, from NAFTA. ISDS provisions allow corporations to sue governments for policies or regulations that restrict corporate profits. Corporations have used these provisions to challenge laws that protect people’s health and the environment. [ ]