Like Harper, Like Wall

Like Harper, Like Wall

Postby Oscar » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:57 pm

December 01, 2007

To the Editor:

Like Harper, Like Wall

It is amazing to see how quickly the Wall Mob have pulled their corporate friends into the executive and planning, as with the '82 Devine govt. Wall said, with a straight face, that he would "consider" the lawsuit against Harper's equalisation broken promise brought by the NDP, when it is obvious he will withdraw the suit. Appointing Allanna Koch has made sure that he will join the eradication of the CWB, no matter what farmers vote. Koch, Orsak, Charlton Comm., Agricore/ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) and Ritz will fit seamlessly together to make ADM the driver of "policy" for the Wall govt.

Wall has appointed Dale Botting, a former Executive Director of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, now a Member of the Board of Academic Advisors of the Prairie Centre Policy Institute, to be the Chair of his Enterprise Saskatchewan Committee. This committee wil "guide economic policy" for the Wall cabinet, so corporate interests will govern their whole fiscal policy.

The Prairie Centre Policy Institute was founded by Kevin Avram, who was also the first president of the Taxpayers Federation, a "mini- Fraser Institute" organisation set up by the Devine Government to propagate right wing economics, and assist in laying the ground work for privatisation of the Crowns.

The CUPE strike at the Regina and Saskatoon campuses, involving maintenance, cafeteria, lab, and other support staff, the lowest paid in the system, is over the application of Performance Criteria to all workers before they will be paid any yearly incremental rises, and is a direct attempt to break the Union so that older, experienced staff can be declared "inefficient", and replaced by young, part-time workers, and all the jobs outsourced eventually to the lowest bidder for poverty level wages. Talks have resumed, but the Union will not accept performance tests before being paid the 17.5% over three years increase.

The three highest paid administrators in the universities have now declared that the strikers must come back to work on the university's terms, and within two hours, Wall said he will enact back to work legislation to break the strike if the talks break down again - no matter who is to blame. Nice democratic negotiations, eh? Wall also said today that he is cancelling negotiations, begun by the NDP, to get Domtar to reopen part of the Prince Albert Pulp Mill, to get 100 fired workers back into jobs, with some govt. investment.

The affable, smiling Wall of the election campaign has disappeared. Now he looks like the wolf licking his chops while looking at the lamb. He is a Harper doppelganger, and Sask. is set to become a second Alberta. Wall has publicly said that the NDP left the economy in a shambles, but has now had to admit that he has been left a $1.9 billion surplus - but still intends to cut services, because the NDP plans are "unsustainable"!!! He may try to reduce the rise in the basic wage from the $9.00 an hour the NDP put in earlier this summer, to the $7.90 original - he was against any rise because "employers would suffer".

I'll keep you up to date with the cuts as they are announced - the NDP Seniors Drug Plan, whereby prescription costs are capped at $15 per item may be a target. Wall opposed that - and they still voted him in!!! He wanted it means tested to keep costs down...

Did I mention that Wall announced he would "consider" building a Nuclear Power Station here? Where he will find the $10 - 15 billion to finance it, I do not know. There will be massive opposition to it, as there was under Devine's Nuclear plan on the same lines in the '80's.

Hard times ahead for ordinary folk in Saskatchewan, I think.

Philip Bladen
Preeceville, SK
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