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Why Not an NDP-Green-Liberal Coalition to Battle the Climate

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 10:54 am
by Oscar
Why Not an NDP-Green-Liberal Coalition to Battle the Climate Crisis?

[ ... Coalition/ ]

Polls suggest a minority government, but we need a full coalition. Imagine the possibilities.

By Crawford Kilian 12 Jul 2019 |

Would they do it? Could they do it? Photo of Elizabeth May from Facebook, Justin Trudeau by Mychaylo Prystupa and Jagmeet Singh by Joshua Berson. A recent EKOS poll shows a Canada that, like much of the Western world, doesn’t know quite what to do or where to go.

But it also showed a way for us to get through our current whitewater politics, if enough of us are paddling in the same direction.

The poll is dated June 17, 124 days before the federal election. If a week is an eternity in politics, over 17 eternities lie between the poll and E-day, and this is just one poll out of many. Still, its findings raise some very interesting possibilities.

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