SARM: Regulation 5-24A - Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

SARM: Regulation 5-24A - Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Postby Oscar » Mon May 06, 2024 2:48 pm

SARM: Regulation 5-24A - Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

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5-24A | Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Rural Municipality of Lake Alma No. 8, Rural Municipality of Moose Creek No. 33, Rural Municipality of
Browning No. 34, Rural Municipality of Hazelwood No. 94, Rural Municipality of Golden West No. 95, Rural
Municipality of Fillmore No. 96, Rural Municipality of Wellington No. 97, Rural Municipality of Scott No. 98,
Rural Municipality of Elmsthorpe No. 100, Rural Municipality of Chester No. 125, Rural Municipality of Francis
No. 127, Rural Municipality of Lajord No. 128, Rural Municipality of Bratt’s Lake No. 129, Rural Municipality of
Hillsborough No. 132, Rural Municipality of Rodgers No. 133, Rural Municipality of Pense No. 160, Rural
Municipality of Caron No. 162, Rural Municipality of Fertile Belt No. 183, Rural Municipality of Grayson No.
184, Rural Municipality of McLeod No. 185, Rural Municipality of Abernethy No. 186, Rural Municipality of
Tullymet No. 216 (submitting RM), Rural Municipality of Lipton No. 217, Rural Municipality of Cupar No. 218,
Rural Municipality of Longlaketon No. 219, Rural Municipality of Sarnia No. 221, Rural Municipality of Ituna
Bon Accord No. 246, Rural Municipality of Touchwood No. 248, Rural Municipality of Last Mountain Valley No.
250, Rural Municipality of Mount Hope No. 279

WHEREAS CO2 is the building block of life and fuels. Photosynthesis CO2 is not a pollutant and to call it a pollutant is

WHEREAS any policies that are designed to punish the critical natural CO2 cycle are not only illogical but dangerous to
the balance of natural food production.

WHEREAS Saskatchewan’s forests, grasslands and crop production zones rely on this critical CO2 but also sequesters
more CO2 than any illogically created CO2 Reduction Strategy.

WHEREAS policies that vilify CO2 are illogical and unpredictable and will undoubtedly create an uncertain amount of
negative impact to our existing crop production systems and economy.

BE IT RESOLVED that SARM will ensure that any policies that unduly target naturally occurring CO2 will be deemed as
illogical and dangerous. We move that Saskatchewan remove itself from any national or international agreements that
reference net zero.

Resolution Background:

Council wants to raise awareness of the unfair potential downfalls passed onto agricultural producers. This resolution
affects all agricultural producers in this province and country.
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