New proclamation for the rights of nature

New proclamation for the rights of nature

Postby Oscar » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:53 pm

New proclamation for the rights of nature

[ ... hts-nature ]

August 8, 2018 - 12:34 pm

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature has launched an important proclamation to further build the recognition and respect for the rights of our planet in face of the growing impacts of climate change.

As described in the book published by the Council of Canadians, Fundacion Pachamama and Global Exchange, The Rights of Nature: The Case for a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth [ ], the momentum to recognize the rights of nature intensified in April 2010 when Bolivia hosted a gathering for climate justice activists in the wake of the failed United Nations Copenhagen Climate Summit (COP 15). More than 32,000 people from around the world came together for the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Bolivia to send a message that a far stronger commitment was needed to address climate change and to ensure a safe and sustainable future.

The recently launched Proclamation on the Decade of the Rights of Nature [ Proclamation on the Decade of the Rights of Nature ] recognizes the importance and impact the paradigm of the rights of nature has had on social movements, Indigenous peoples, climate activists, and all those fighting for a better future for our planet.

The proclamation resolves that “Declaring of the Decennium of Rights of Nature (2018-2028) a crucial period in history which humanity is faced with key decisions to guarantee its survival, by rectifying political and practical economic decisions that in the last centuries have led to the decay in the environmental quality of the planet.”

It calls on people to unite in their efforts over the next 10 years to build and fortify the rights of nature locally and globally.

The Council of Canadians supports and promotes the urgent need to recognize the unbreakable link between respect for human life and respect for the life of our planet, on which we all live and depend.

Maude Barlow wrote in The Rights of Nature, “Every now and then in history, the human race takes a collective step forward in its evolution. Such a time is upon us now as we begin to understand the urgent need to protect the Earth and its ecosystems from which all life comes. The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth is a crucial link in this process and will one day stand as the companion to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as one of the guiding covenants of our time.”

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