Sent for publishing May 01, 2008
To the Editor
Most Canadians, including yours truly, like to believe and to say that we live in the best country of the world. We still do have freedom of speech and the freedom to vote.
However, after having a cursory look at Mel Hurtig's latest book, "The Truth About Canada", it is quite obvious that in some areas of Canada's economy, we fall far behind other leading countries, and in many cases perform below average for a great majority of Canadians. Except notably in the unconscionable salaries plus other financial rewards paid to Chief Executive Officers [CEO's] of large corporations, and the profits of those corporations; many have a foreign ownership base.
Canadians have the right, the opportunity, and the resources, and, I believe, the heart and the brains to be an inspirational example to the whole world, if we choose to do so. By using our democratic rights we can accomplish a sustainable economy that will fairly benefit all Canadians.
But, if Canada's political leaders do not openly discuss the present regular clandestine, predominantly-capitalistic, meetings being held by political, military and corporate leaders of the USA, Canada and Mexico, Canada may no longer exist as a sovereign nation.
These meetings have been held for a number of years. They have proceeded with a well planned, step-by-predacious-step, to establish a North American Union[NAU]. When that takes place, Canadians will then become inextricably involved as an intergral part of the NAU and the American military/industrial complex, seeking to replace the United Nations, and as the world's greatest military power.
If we wish to remain a sovereign nation, and if we are courageous enough to cancel the FTA and the NAFTA, we will then have the right to take ownership of our own resources. If we wish to do so, we will then be able to sell our resources to anyone, including the USA, without giving away a special resource privilege to foreign corporate interests.
When the next federal election takes place, one of the most important questions we Canadians have to ask those who will seek to be elected to the House of Commons is this: "Will you strongly oppose the present plans to establish the North American Union?"
Leo Kurtenbach,
Box 268, Cudworth, SK S0K 1B0
Phone: (306) 256- 3638.