CWB Elections

CWB Elections

Postby Oscar » Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:34 pm

Sent for publishing on November 05, 2008

CWB Elections

To the Editor,

There will be a vote to elect producer representation on the Canadian Wheat Board [CWB] this month. The main issue is between those who wish to retain the CWB's constitutional right for single-desk selling of wheat and barley in the CWB region, and those who do not want to maintain the single-desk concept.

This is an issue that will affect all Canadians. Perhaps a review of the history of the CWB would be helpful.

In 1935, R.B. Bennet, a Conservative Prime Minister, made an historic radio address, in which he proposed control of the unrestrained powers of the grain giants, who he referred to as "unconscionable monopolistic purchasers" and "economic parasites."

His government set up the CWB as a single seller of prairie wheat. In the 1940's, Prime Minister MacKenzie King extended the Board's power to include oats and barley. In a short time the CWB became the largest and one of the most prestigious marketing agency for prairie producer's grain in the world.

Over an average of 5 years, the CWB sells between $3.3 billion and $6.3 billion of Canadian wheat and barley annually. That amount is one of Canada's biggest earners of foreign currency.

The multinational grain gurus, based mostly in the US, are salivating at the thought of controlling Canada's foreign grain sales, with profits flowing south of the border instead of being paid to prairie producers.

American grain interests have launched numerous court cases against the CWB. They have lost every case. Harper and his government have already lost two more cases in their endeavor to decimate the powers of the Board. The Western Barley Growers, who are trying to remove barley from the Board, have a grand membership of 137 producers.

On May 05, 2006, they received a federal grant of $500,000. Then on June 25, 2007, they received another $500,000. And now Canada's Minister of Agriculture, Gerry Ritz, Harper's henchman, (the one who has recently proclaimed his "sterling" reputation), is positioned to use his ministerial power to eliminate the CWB in whatever way possible.

So, why is Harper's government so hellbent to deliver the marketing of prairie grain to American interests?

For a number of years, prominent politicians, including some government officials, heads of gigantic corporations, and the military, have been holding clandestine meetings involving Canada, Mexico and the USA. They have drawn up memorandums of understanding to facilitate a North American Union [NAU]. Our Members of Parliament or the media have never openly or publicly discussed plans for a NAU.

Paul Celluci, the previous American Ambassador to Canada, has recently stated that "in 10 years, at the most 15, Canada will be integrated with the US, in everything but name."

May I respectfully suggest any plans to integrate Canada into a North American Union, without the full knowledge and support of the people of Canada, borders on treason by a few.

Leo Kurtenbach,
Box 268, Cudworth, Sask., S0K 1B0
Phone--256 3638
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