Pro-Life Bush
November 8, 2009
To the Editor,
This letter is in response to your October 30th article in the Northeast Sun, showing a photo of George W. Bush being presented The Humanity of the Unborn Child Pro-Life. I most vehemently protest this former US president being the recipient of this Award.
My wife and I have been members of Pro-Life for many years. We are not a whippersnapper pro-abortion family. I have passed my 90th birthday. We have a family of 6 children, 10 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
How can Pro-Life justify this award to this man? Millions of people on this planet , including many Americans, consider him a warmonger, a criminal, and one who allowed the torture of prisoners of war, and the arrest and confinement of suspects with out the right of "habeas corpus", as is written in the Constitution of the USA.
George W. Bush's war, [2003] declared illegal by the UN, flew 1000 sorties [1000 planes] aerial bombing the city of Baghdad over a period of 3 days. In the ensuing 6 years of war, over 1 million Iraqis were killed, obviously including some unborn babies. An unknown number of Iraqi citizens were injured or disabled. Another 2 million were displaced or fled the invading American military to neighboring countries, mainly to Syria and Jordan.
The remaining citizens of Iraq, [as well as American soldiers there] have been subjected to the American use of depleted uranium [DU]. It is extremely effective in piercing the armor of tanks and steel structures. It is estimated that the US military has used about 1500 tonnes of DU in Iraq and Afghanistan. The dust resulting from the use of DU tipped artillery shells floats in the air for long distances. Breathing in this polluted air can and does affect both men and women, and is known to cause deformities in babies in the womb.
The Bush administration's wars in the Middle East has cost American taxpayers nearly 1 trillion dollars. And that is not counting the cost of Canadian involvement in Afghanistan, or the cost of the treatment for mentally or physically disabled American and Canadian soldiers, mercenaries and civilians in this theatre of war.
Just imagine what could have been done with a trillion dollars if peaceful means had been used to inform and educate both women and *men* of the tragedy of abortion.
Leo Kurtenbach,
Box 268, Cudworth, Sask., S0K 1B0
Phone 256 3638.