WATCH: Nuclear Waste - The Questions Multiply
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A presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards In the City of Dryden, Ontario, April 21 2023
Presentation is about one hour in duration, Q&Q follows for about an hour and a half.
During a five day tour of Northwestern Ontario, Dr. Gordon Edwards addressed the townspeople of Dryden, Ontario, on April 21 2023, on the subject of high level radioactive wastes. The Nuclear Waste Management Agency (NWMO), representing the Canadian waste producers and acting under the terms of the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act, has been seeking a "willing host community" to accept all of Canada's irradiated nuclear fuel for permanent emplacement in a Deep Geological Repository (DGR). After 13 years of effort in which millions of dollars has been given to "candidate communities", the choice of a site has been narrowed down to Teeswater in South Bruce (near Lake Huron) and the Revell Lake area between the towns of Ignace and Dryden – north of Lake Superior and close to the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway First Nation.