Don Kossick's Letters

Don Kossick's Letters

Postby Oscar » Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:46 am

For Circulation - sent to newspapers
July 31, 2006

Dear Editor,

All Saskatchewan residents - rural and urban - should be concerned about the attempt to undermine the functions of the Canadian Wheat Board.

The Wheat Board brings in 800 million dollars a year into the prairie economy. This money fuels both rural and urban Sasaktchewan.

If the Wheat Baord loses its single desk capacity we will see an economic disaster equivalent to the loss of 8 billion dollars since the elimination of the Crow transportation rates over a decade ago. As we all know, this plunged the prairie farm economy into an economic depression that we have never recovered from.

The only ones who will gain in the destruction of the Wheat Board will be the multi national global grain companies such as Cargill. Rural and urban people must send strong messages to Prime Minister Harper and his Saskatchewan MPS such as David Anderson that they should be working for the best interests of the people of the prairies. They should not be undermining the Canadian international marketing organization - run by farmers - that works for farm communities not against them.


Don Kossick
111 Albert Ave.
S7N 1E6
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