Gov. has set a bad example!

Gov. has set a bad example!

Postby Oscar » Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:43 pm

Gov. has set a bad example!

From: Shane in Wpg.
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:58 PM
Subject: Gov. has set a bad example!

The Editor
Winnipeg Free Press

Dear sir:
RE: 'Manitobans a long way from being green - By Chinta Puxley

What did you expect?

With an NDP government that lives and breathes in the Carbon Age, why would anyone expect the citizens to buck the trend of their government?

Manitoba is urban sprawl on steroids: more Hydro development before we have even addressed the damage from the previous dams; closing of the Pine Falls paper recycling plant; no serious money and ridiculous concepts of modern transit; government buying asphalt from those plants near the outskirts of the city that spew soot and smoke so thick it actually endangers traffic; Pork Plants in the middle of the city and industrial pig farms to the horizon in every direction; Big Box stores as the ultimate sign of progress and becoming a real city; ... the list goes on and on.

With Municipal and provincial governments that are beyond cynical in every aspect of environmental consciousness, it is a credit to everyday Manitobans that we are doing as well as we are, but it is also understandable that we are getting disheartened.

Shane Nestruck(Winnipeg)
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