Human "Rights?" Museum Winnipeg!
From: Shane in Wpg.
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 10:23 AM
Subject: Re Human "Rights?" Museum Winnipeg!
The Editor
Winnipeg Free Press, Globe & Mail, To. Star, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen
Dear sir:
Human Rights...Museum?
Every HUMAN being on earth has a RIGHT to clean air, clean water and an environment that sustains their health!
Yet today in Winnipeg, Steven Harper, leader of the government that is despised globally as the biggest road-block to fighting Climate Change, the government that continues to deny the connection between the Global Environmental Disaster of the Tar Sands, and its connection to Climate Change, that sees oil profits and economic power as more important than the environment that sustains life, is turning the sod for this museum.
Yes, the human rights tragedies to be acknowledged in this museum were consistently perpetrated as the means of acquiring wealth and power and controlling resources like water, food, oil, coal, and in this case, Tar Sands.
How dispicabley ironic that Harper should be involved at all!
Shane Nestruck(Winnipeg)