Labour leaders, NDP and Liberals call out CPC for holding up

Labour leaders, NDP and Liberals call out CPC for holding up

Postby Oscar » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:06 am

Labour leaders, NDP and Liberals call out CPC for holding up sustainable jobs legislation

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By Natasha Bulowski | News, Politics, Ottawa Insider | November 3rd 2023

Marty Warren, United Steelworkers national director for Canada, speaking at a press conference in Ottawa on Nov. 2 to call on the Conservatives to stop delaying discussion on the sustainable jobs act. Photo by Natasha Bulowski

Conservative MPs' efforts to stall discussion on the sustainable jobs act have raised the ire of prominent labour leaders, who made it clear they will take action if the Conservatives continue with their delay tactics in committee.

If the Conservatives continue to filibuster the labour-backed Bill C-50, “we'll rally in the streets, we'll take them on in their ridings, we'll make sure workers visit them in their ridings … because they don't seem to be listening,” said Marty Warren, United Steelworkers national director for Canada, at a press conference in Ottawa on Nov. 2. As the situation unfolds, the steelworkers union and its members will make sure the Conservatives hear how their MPs ragging the puck is affecting workers’ lives, said Warren.

After two lengthy and unproductive meetings of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources on Monday and Wednesday, NDP MP Charlie Angus held a press conference where he and five labour leaders called out what he described as “silly, vindictive and childish behaviour” by Conservative MPs “while jobs and our economic future is on the line.”

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