The Council of Canadians stands with CUPE Local 2424 in Carleton University pension battle
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March 2, 2018 - 7:51 am
(PHOTO: Carleton University)
The Council of Canadians stands in solidarity with Local 2424 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents 900 administrative, technical, and library staff at Carleton University in Ottawa.
A CUPE media release notes, "Determined to stand up for Canadians’ right to security in retirement, staff at Carleton University are preparing to take job action in defense of their pension plan. The dedicated staff members who 'make Carleton work' have identified the protection of their pension plan as the issue most important to them in current contract negotiations. The strength of their commitment was evident in a vote held earlier by the union, when members delivered a 93 per cent strike vote. Unfortunately, Carleton has made all outstanding contract issues dependent on the union’s acceptance of its latest pension offer – a deal that CUPE leaders say will jeopardize members’ ability to protect their retirement futures, as well as the retirement of future workers."
That media release adds, "The deadline for a strike or lockout of members of CUPE 2424 at Carleton is set for Monday, March 5."
The Council of Canadians is scheduled to hold its annual conference at Carleton University on June 22-24 of this year.
We call on Alastair Summerlee, the President and Vice-Chancellor of Carleton University, to stop the drive to eliminate collective agreement language that provides defined benefit pension plans for Carleton University employees.
Further reading
CUPE 2424 prepares pension plan fight at Carleton U (Rank and File, February 28)
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Carleton University staff take a stand to defend pensions (CUPE media release, February 26)
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Brent Patterson's blog
Political Director of the Council of Canadians
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