CTF: a partner of US-based Atlas Network?

CTF: a partner of US-based Atlas Network?

Postby Oscar » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:01 am

U.S.-based Atlas Network, which has ‘reshaped political power in country after country,’ a ‘partner’ of Canadian Taxpayers Federation

[ http://albertapolitics.ca/2018/06/u-s-b ... ederation/ ]

David Climenhaga Posted on June 23, 2018, 1:11 am

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a self-described non-partisan tax watchdog and taxpayer advocacy group once headed by Alberta Opposition Leader Jason Kenney, has always been tight-lipped about the sources of its own funding and support.

This may be mildly ironic, given its vocal demands for transparency in government policy, but as a private organization that aggressively fund-raises for small donations – it claims to receive about 30,000 individual donations yearly – it is certainly within its legal rights to do so.

Antony Fisher as a student at Eton (Photo: Found on the Internet, source not indicated).

However, given the CTF’s tight ties to Conservative Canadian political parties and its vocal advocacy of policies those parties support – often co-ordinated with Conservative candidates through public policy pledges – it is troubling that mainstream media never seems to press the organization on this issue, and continues to treat it as if it were a non-partisan authority on tax policy.

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