. . . . most Canadians favour a wealth tax

. . . . most Canadians favour a wealth tax

Postby Oscar » Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:11 am

Billionaires may argue against it, but most Canadians favour a wealth tax

[ https://rabble.ca/columnists/2021/04/bi ... m4vgDCwso0 ]

Linda McQuaig, Neil Brooks, April 13, 2021

Benjamin Franklin observed that nothing is certain except death and taxes.

Another certainty is that the wealthy will concoct fatuous arguments to justify lower taxes for themselves.

The ultra-rich have been so relentless in making their case -- or having hired guns make it for them -- that they've managed to largely shed their tax burden in recent years even as they've grown spectacularly, exorbitantly, astronomically wealthy. (Canada's wealthiest 87 families had wealth of $259 billion in 2016; our top 44 billionaires increased their wealth by more than $50 billion during the pandemic.)

Most Canadians have had enough of this. A recent Abacus poll shows that a striking 79 per cent of Canadians favour a wealth tax. . . . . .

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