BUSTED: Pork Can’t Be Marketed as “Healthy”, Say Authorities

BUSTED: Pork Can’t Be Marketed as “Healthy”, Say Authorities

Postby Oscar » Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:11 pm

BUSTED: Pork Can’t Be Marketed as “Healthy”, Say Authorities

[ https://animaljustice.ca/blog/pork-cant ... as-healthy ]

By Camille Labchuk July 13, 2022

Federal authorities are cracking down on Manitoba Pork over misleading radio ads that falsely claim pork is healthy. The ads, which have been running on radio broadcasts of Winnipeg Goldeyes baseball games, claimed that “thick, juicy porkchops”, “tasty pork tenderloin,” and “crazy good pork burgers” are a “healthy and affordable protein”.

The problem? It’s illegal to make false health claims to sell food products to consumers. According to Canadian Food Inspection Agency (“CFIA”) guidelines, the word “healthy” refers to the healthy eating patterns recommended by Canada’s Food Guide, [ https://food-guide.canada.ca/sites/defa ... N-2018.pdf ] and describing a food as “healthy” when it doesn’t meet the Food Guide recommendations can be considered misleading.

Pork products aren’t recommended in the Food Guide, which states that Canadians should choose plant-based protein most often, choose only lean red meats, and avoid saturated fat altogether. Pork is high in saturated fat, with a whopping 5 grams per 100 gram serving. Other pork products, such as bacon, are much higher, clocking in at 14 grams of saturated fat per 100 gram serving. (In contrast, plant-based proteins like chickpeas contain only 0.6 grams of saturated fat per 100 gram serving.) . . . . ."

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