FORTUNE: Submits re-zoning application

FORTUNE: Submits re-zoning application

Postby Oscar » Tue May 15, 2018 9:08 am

Fortune Minerals submits application for rezoning of land

[ https://fortunemineralsconcern.wordpres ... g-of-land/ ]

By Clean Water on May 14, 2018

Article published in Clark’s Crossing Gazette May 11, 2018 [ ... g-of-land/ ]

Fortune Minerals Ltd has submitted an application to rezone 191 hectares of land in the RM of Corman Park near Langham to develop a metals processing plant.

The land, which is owned by Fortune Minerals, is currently zoned for agricultural use. The company wants the land rezoned to M1 – Rural Industrial Park 1 District.

But before the application comes before Corman Park council, the company must hold a public meeting to outline its proposal.

“The company’s rezoning application was submitted at the end of April,” said Corman Park Chief Administrative Officer Adam Tittemore. “At the council meeting on Monday, May 7, councillors had a discussion about the upcoming application with representatives from Fortune Minerals.

“The feeling of council was that there should be an open public meeting where people have an opportunity to see the proposal, ask questions and comment on it before it comes to council.”
The date, location and time of the public meeting has not yet been set.

The meeting will be organized by Fortune Minerals, not by the RM, noted Tittemore.

“Council wants to see an open house prior to first reading of the rezoning bylaw,” said Tittemore.

“While councillors recognize there have been consultations in the past between Fortune Minerals and area landowners, the issue is still very controversial.

“The councillors want to make sure they have the opportunity to be present and hear the conversations and concerns that get raised by the public.”

Tittemore noted that the legislative process for all rezoning applications involves a public hearing in the council chambers following first reading.

But, he added, council felt a public forum prior to first reading was necessary in this case to ensure all views are heard.

“Some people think that it’s a done deal if a bylaw has already had first reading,” said Tittemore. “In fact, first reading is simply the introduction of the bylaw to allow for public hearing. A bylaw is only adopted once it has passed second and third readings.”

The onus for organizing the public forum is on Fortune Minerals, said Tittemore. The public meeting must be held before council will consider the rezoning application.

The company is proposing to build a Saskatchewan Metals Processing Plant (SMPP) to recover metals from mineral concentrates produced from the NICO Cobalt-Bismuth-Gold-Copper mining project in the Northwest Territories. The plant would produce high-value metal products including battery-grade cobalt, bismuth metals and oxide, gold and minor amounts of copper.

While the company says the project is environmentally safe, critics suggest the Dalmeny Aquifer, a major source of underground potable water, could be at risk of contamination if the project proceeds.

A Comprehensive Development Review for the SMPP prepared by Fortune Minerals is available online at the company’s website at [ ].
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