March 14, 2015: Day of Action - STOP Bill C-51

March 14, 2015: Day of Action - STOP Bill C-51

Postby Oscar » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:09 pm

Over 30 Leading Digital Rights, Pro-Democracy, and Civil Liberties organizations rally support for tomorrow's Day of Action across Canada to stop Bill C-51

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Joint Media Release March 13, 2015

Over 55 non-partisan events in every province across Canada confirmed for Saturday March 14, as numbers speaking out online top 83,000

March 13, 2015 – A diverse group of organizations are supporting Saturday’s Day of Action to Stop Bill C-51. Over 84,000 people have spoken out in recent weeks calling on Prime Minister Harper to rein in the unaccountable powers and violations of our civil liberties contained in Bill C-51. Non-partisan events will take place in over 55 locations across every province in Canada.

Further information and resources can be found at the website: [ ].

While concerns with C-51 are diverse and vary, supporting organizations agree that the bill is:

1. Reckless: It turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability.
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2. Dangerous: It opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights
[Source] [ ... urity.html ] including censorship of free expression online.
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3. Ineffective: It will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians that even Stephen Harper has admitted is ineffective.
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“As Canada’s leading digital rights organization and coordinator of the nationwide Protect Our Privacy coalition we are happy to support these events based on our privacy and accountability concerns,” said Steve Anderson, OpenMedia’s Executive Director. “This bill encourages reckless sharing of our sensitive private information, dangerous new powers for CSIS, and offers zero accountability or oversight. Everyone knows the Conservative government is bad on privacy issues, but C-51 takes it to a whole new level.” [ ]

“Debate, dissent and demonstrations are an essential part of our democracy. This reckless and dangerous bill treats legitimate, peaceful protests as potential terrorist threats,” said Dylan Penner, Democracy Campaigner with the Council of Canadians. “That’s why our local chapters and supporters are joining the protests this weekend – to protect the right to protest.”

"Bill C-51 poses a grave threat to free expression and human rights in Canada. The unchecked powers it introduces threaten the freedoms at the core of our Canadian democracy.” said Tom Henheffer, Executive Director at Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE).

“Existing measures have already led to serious violations of the rights of innocent people and the government now wants to introduce new measures notwithstanding the fact that it has not yet implemented the necessary oversight and review mechanisms to protect Canadians”, says Roch Tassé, International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group National Coordinator. “The measures introduced in Bill C-51 greatly increase the potential for further national security abuses. That is why we support this day of actions against C-51 and ask that it be withdrawn or significantly amended".

Speakers at tomorrow’s rallies include the BC Civil Liberties Association’s Josh Paterson (Vancouver), bestselling journalist and author Chris Hedges (Toronto), Young Aamjiwnaang First Nation activist Vanessa Gray (Toronto), OpenMedia’s Alexa Pitoulis (Port Moody), and the Ontario Federation of Labour’s Sid Ryan (Toronto). Political leaders including Elizabeth May (Toronto) and Thomas Mulcair (Montreal) will also be showing their support for the non-partisan day of action.

Groups supporting tomorrow’s day of action include digital rights, civil liberties, pro-democracy, and labour organizations, in addition to tech companies and businesses.

Affinity Bridge, Agentic, Amnesty International Canada, BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, BCGEU, Canadian Association of University Teachers, Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA),​ Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE), Canadian Institute of Access and Privacy Professionals, Canadian Peace Alliance, Council of Canadians, CWA Canada, Canadian Unirarians for Social Justice, Democracy Watch, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Free Dominion, GenWhy Media, Groupe de recherche sur l’information et la surveillance au quotidien (GRISQ) / Université du Québec à Montréal, ​International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, Leadnow, ​NewMode​, Ontario Federation of Labour, North American Association of Independent Journalists, OpenMedia, ​Privacy & Access Council of Canada, ​ProtestCanada, ​Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), ​TunnelBear, The Okanagan Directory, Women Against Stephen Harper, and Youth Vote Canada.

Canadians can learn more about the Day of Action at and can sign up to join or host a local event at
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David Christopher, Communications Manager, OpenMedia,
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Re: March 14, 2015: Day of Action - STOP Bill C-51

Postby Oscar » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:44 am

Protest preparedness: All the rabble news about Bill C-51

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By Meagan Perry | March 13, 2015

Keeping up with the Canada-wide protests of Bill C-51? You've come to the right place. Read on for your list of "must reads" on Bill C-51, petitions, and for a curated Twitter feed rounding up all the action from the protests on Saturday.

Bill C-51 will give CSIS new powers to disrupt activities that potentially "threaten the government", and give the government of Canada new powers of surveillance. Many see it as another step toward silencing all forms of dissent in Canada. This weekend, there are protests scheduled across Canada to display opposition to Bill C-51.

Click here to see a full list of emerging protests from our friends at
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Re: March 14, 2015: Day of Action - STOP Bill C-51

Postby Oscar » Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:54 am

Bill C-51 'Day of Action' protests denounce new policing powers

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NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May join protests in Montreal, Toronto

By Kady O'Malley, CBC News Posted: Mar 14, 2015 5:00 AM ET| Last Updated: Mar 14, 2015 7:45 PM ET

Protests were held across Canada against the government's proposed anti-terrorism legislation, which would give police much broader powers and allow them to detain terror suspects, and give new powers to Canada's spy agency.

NDP leader Tom Mulcair joined hundreds in Montreal in a march through the city. One protester held up a poster saying "C-51 is an act of terror," while others carried red "Stop Harper" signs.

NDP MPs Craig Scott and Linda Duncan were part of the crowd gathered outside Canada Place in downtown Edmonton. Some placards called the bill "criminalization of dissent" and warned "big brother is watching you." [ . . . ]

The protest planned to end in front of the riding office of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. Trudeau has said his caucus will vote in favour of the bill.


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RELATED: (Go to URL above)

■Bill C-51 hearings: Diane Ablonczy's questions to Muslim group 'McCarthyesque'
■Anti-terror bill committee hears monologues, but few questions
■Privacy watchdog blocked from witness list
■Proposed CSIS powers a 'constitutional mess,' says ex-watchdog
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