Bill C-51 to be changed as Tories respond to criticism

Bill C-51 to be changed as Tories respond to criticism

Postby Oscar » Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:28 pm

Anti-terror Bill C-51 to be changed as Tories respond to criticism

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Changes to be put forward during clause-by-clause review

CBC News Posted: Mar 27, 2015 3:03 PM ET| Last Updated: Mar 27, 2015 5:06 PM ET

The government will propose a handful of amendments to the proposed anti-terror bill when it goes to clause-by-clause review on Tuesday, CBC News has learned, including a proposal that would protect protests from being captured by the new measures.

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NDP deputy public safety critic Rosane Doré Lefebvre told CBC News that her party will wait to see the proposed amendments before deciding whether to support the changes.

"Initially, the prime minister and Stephen Blaney said it was 'ridiculous' for Tom Mulcair and the NDP to criticize this bill, and now they've been forced to change their tune," she added.

"Unlike the Liberals, we decided to stand by our principles and oppose this bill. We put pressure on the Conservatives to amend this bill and they finally gave in."

She says the NDP will continue to oppose the bill, as "it goes too far and undermines Canadians’ rights and freedoms."

The House public safety committee will begin clause-by-clause review on Tuesday.
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