WATCH: The controversial Monsanto Protection Act

WATCH: The controversial Monsanto Protection Act

Postby Oscar » Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:36 am

WATCH: The controversial Monsanto Protection Act

< ... 17911.html >

Why has Obama approved a law giving immunity to the production and sale of genetically modified food in the US?

Inside Story Americas Last Modified: 02 Apr 2013 12:29

It can be dificult to make an informed judgement on the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) because of the impassioned reaction that greets each new study.

At the very least, there is general agreement that much more research is required on a case by case basis into any potential health risks of GMOs.

With that in mind, the European Union (EU) has strict controls over their use, while doubts persist.

But in the US, President Barack Obama last week approved a law giving the production and sale of GMOs and Genetically Engineered crops, immunity from court intervention, even if health risks do emerge.

Food safety campaigners have dubbed it the Monsanto Protection Act. And they are heavily criticising,not only the President, but the US Congress which they say failed to scrutinise the language of the bill which was reportedly crafted in collusion with Monsanto to be deliberately opaque.

So why did the US President Barack Obama sign the Monsanto Protection into law? And is this a positive step?

Inside Story Americas, with presenter Shihab Rattansi, discusses with guests: Tom Philpott, the food and agriculture correspondent for Mother Jones magazine; and Colin O'Neill, director of Government Affairs at the Centre for Food Safety;

We asked a Monsanto representative to join the programme but they declined.
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