Mine Waste Safety: No More Mount Polley Disasters - July 29, 2020 - 1.5 hrs
[ https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v= ... _permalink ]
As we approach the 6th anniversary of the massive Mount Polley mine tailings disaster, we are interested in exploring best practices for mine waste storage and assessing where British Columbia is at in comparison.
This webinar includes personal stories of the aftermath of this mine disaster, an overview of tailings waste designs, laws and best practices that help reduce risks to communities and watersheds, and looks at how far B.C. has actually come since Mount Polley toward improved mining waste management.
This webinar was held on July 29, 2020, and was hosted by the Environmental Law Centre at the University of Victoria, Earthworks, Salmon Beyond Borders, First Nations Women Advocating Responsible Mining, Northern Confluence, MiningWatch Canada, and the B.C. Mining Law Reform Coalition.
To read the report referenced in this webinar, head to [ http://www.earthworks.org/safety-first ]
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Resources referenced in video:
Safety First – The Peoples’ Tailings Standard To End Mine Waste Disasters [ https://miningwatch.ca/safety-first ]
Summary Table of 16 Safety-First Mine Tailings Guidelines [ https://miningwatch.ca/sites/default/fi ... 6final.pdf ]
Take Action! [ https://www.reformbcmining.ca/protect-water ]
Chief Inspector of Mines report [ https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farmi ... report.pdf ]
Mount Polley Independent Expert Investigation and Review Report [ https://www.mountpolleyreviewpanel.ca ]
MiningWatch’s legal action [ https://miningwatch.ca/sites/default/fi ... suit_0.pdf ]
Global Tailings Review [ https://globaltailingsreview.org ]
World Mine Tailings Failures database [ https://worldminetailingsfailures.org ]
CSP2’s mine tailings failure database [ http://www.csp2.org/tsf-failures-from-1915 ]
Wise-Uranium tailings failures database [ https://www.wise-uranium.org/mdaf.html ]
UNEP-GRID ‘Safety is No Accident’ report on world mine tailings failures [ https://www.grida.no/publications/383 ]
First Nations Energy & Mining Council (FNEMC) June 2015 report “Uncertainty Upstream: Potential Threats from Tailings Facility Failures on Northern British Columbia” [ http://fnemc.ca/?portfolio=uncertainty-upstream ]
Jan Morrill, International Mining Campaigner
202-887-1872 x 139 | Cell: 207-542-4360 | earthworks.org