Meeting Human Needs: The Fight to Protect Saskatchewan's Public Services
CUPE June 2022 VIDEO - 20 minutes
Last month, CUPE Saskatchewan previewed our new documentary in Saskatoon to an audience of convention delegates. Now that it's completed, we want to share it with you at home!
This 20 minute film dives into our province’s rich public service history, beginning with its humble roots. It then explores the Sask. Party’s not-so-secret plan to sell off, cut, and privatize our public services – a plan that began with Brad Wall in 2007.
But there’s hope. In talking with people from all over the province, one thing became clear: we fight for what we love. And Saskatchewan people love public health care, education, infrastructure, transportation, libraries, and so much more.
Will you watch our new documentary and share it with your network?
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